May 18, 20191 Commentby Ann Sorrell
Homeopath Ann Sorrell uses the term blunderbussing as a metaphor for prescribing combination remedies. She stresses that combination remedies are not proven and that one cannot determine the effect of whatever remedy worked.
The word ‘blunderbuss’ is described by the online Oxford Dictionary as: 1) a short large-bored gun firing balls or slugs, and 2) an action or way of doing something regarded as lacking in subtlety and precision.
Blunderbussing is a term to be applied to those misled few who prescribe combination (homeopathic) remedies, as this method is totally unprofessional – and definitely anathema – for anyone who has been trained correctly in homeopathy. Inexpert prescribing of this kind certainly lacks subtlety and precision. And blasting an ill patient with a variety of different remedies and potencies at any one time is as unsubtle and imprecise as firing a loaded blunderbuss.