
Anal Fistula Treated with Classical Homeopathy

Anal Fistula Treated with Classical Homeopathy

April 17, 20192 Commentsby Kamal Jalodia


Dr. Kamal Jalodia presents a case of anal fistula in a 43 year old female. Causticum, Nitricumacidum, Ignatia amara and Calc sulphwere required at different times to complete the cure by classical homeopathy.

The Case

This is a case of a 43 year old female who came to me with the chief complaint of ano-rectal fistula, which was quite severe and was scheduled for a surgery.

Physical particulars

Pain in rectum fistula <sitting+, walking+

 General symptoms

M/E – sympathetic ++, fear water +.

Aversion – sweet ++

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