
Anal Fissure and Piles in a Woman of 53

Anal Fissure and Piles in a Woman of 53

February 18, 20181 Commentby Ilyas Akhundzada


Dr. Ilyas Akhundzada presents a case of anal fissure and piles in a woman of 53.


Homeopathic management of the patient requires not only thorough knowledge of Materia Medica and repertorization techniques but also clear understanding of what is going in the organism during the treatment. Besides the totality of the symptoms, which is sometimes announced as the one and only method of right prescription, there are also other methods, more suitable for some special cases.  These methods was outlined by G.Vithoulkas as prescriptions based on keynotes, mental-emotional pictures (essence), specific combinations of symptoms (essentials), pathology and causative factors.


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