V Ljubljani, v prestolnici Slovenije, je bil 17.12. uspešno predstavljen tečaj spletnega izobraževanja Mednarodne akademije klasične homeopatije v Domus medica. Peturne e-šole se je udeležilo veliko zdravnikov, zobozdravnikov, farmacevtov in veterinarjev.
Katarina L. Glas, dr.med., koordinatorica spletnega izobraževanja iz klasične homeopatije po Georgeu Vithoulkasu je posredovala podatke o vsebini in pripomočkih spletnega tečaja in odgovarjala na vsa vprašanja udeležencev.
A presentation of the Free Trial of the 2-year E-learning Course of the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy was conducted with great success on the 17th of December 2016 at the Domus Medica in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Many medical doctors, veterinary doctors, dentists and pharmacists attended the 5-hour video course, presented by the E-learning Coordinator Dr. Katarina Glas. They had the opportunity to be informed about all the facilities of the online course and also ask questions related to the E-learning program.