We are pleased to share that another book by Professor George Vithoulkas “A New Model of Health and Disease” has been published in Bulgarian and can now be purchased from the company bookstore of KIBEA Publishing House and at www.kibea.net.
It is amazing that already in 1987 – almost half a century ago, Prof. Vithoulkas predicted the enormous growth of chronic degenerative diseases in our time, as well as the emergence of many new, more virulent and incurable diseases! And he warned about the main reason for the decline of health on a mental, emotional and physical level on a global scale – the excessive use of extremely strong chemical-based drugs with a detrimental effect on the immune system.
The result – increased life expectancy at the expense of a deteriorated quality of life, which is actually its meaning. And all this happens because research in the field of conventional medicine has never rested on confirmed natural laws or principles governing health and disease.