The International Academy of Classical Homeopathy is pleased to offer a free and convenient search engine for the website user to search for books, words or phrases from over two dozen books in English and other languages by Prof. George Vithoulkas.
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George Vithoulkas that she is not suffering. Her face is still quite nice. What other homeopathic information did
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George Vithoulkas run into difficulties because there is no one remedy that seems to cover the entire picture.
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Celle Seminar I, Case 14: Chronic Vomiting There are also quite a lot of Arsenicum symptoms in the
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George Vithoulkas ical Calcarea phosphorica personality, I would be more inclined to agree with this remedy. (A. 15):
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Celle Seminar I, Case 14: Chronic Vomiting way and suffocating. Baryta carbonica and Plumbum and Bap-tisia have that
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George Vithoulkas Case 15: Forgetfulness/Depression INTERVIEW (Therapist): This patient was born in 1938. She has three children. Her
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Celle Seminar I, Case 15: Forgetfulness/Depression side, not possible on her left. Frequent menses, sometimes constant, and sometimes
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George Vithoulkas (F.P.): I think it may have something to do with my depression, in fact, it happened
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CelJe Seminar I, Case 15: Forgetfulness/Depression (G. V.): You said that you forget everything. What do you mean