The International Academy of Classical Homeopathy is pleased to offer a free and convenient search engine for the website user to search for books, words or phrases from over two dozen books in English and other languages by Prof. George Vithoulkas.
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George Vithoulkas (A.4): Not all of the Magnesias support the sort of disharmony she relates in her life,
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Celle Seminar I, Case 11: Cervical Spine Syndrome the symptoms she had before. She mentioned many things, but
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George Vithoulkas to pinpoint the indications that might give me some insight into her emotional make-up. I want
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Celle Seminar I, Case 11: Cervical Spine Syndrome emotions. Does that show you a cool person with cool
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George Vithoulkas This patient is not a constitutional Natrum muriaticum because if she were, then she wouldn’t have
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Celle Seminar I, Case 11: Cervical Spine Syndrome toxicodendron and it showed no particular effect. If Rhus toxicodendron
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George Vithoulkas gion, not just under the clavicula, straight through. The sensation in my fingers appeared much later.
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Celle Seminar I, Case 11: Cervical Spine Syndrome Despite the fact that we had a compression from the
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George Vithoulkas about by emotional upheavals. When someone is emotionally cramped and has asthma, especially as a child,