The International Academy of Classical Homeopathy is pleased to offer a free and convenient search engine for the website user to search for books, words or phrases from over two dozen books in English and other languages by Prof. George Vithoulkas.
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Celle Seminar I, Case 8: Psoriasis (F.P.): It was Gestalt therapy. (G.V.): And you consider yourself to be
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George Vithoulkas (G. V.): I can see that you are experiencing a lot of feelings at the moment,
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George Vithoulkas (G.V.): Was there a great internal conflict around the question of suicide? (F.P.): No. (G.V.): Just
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Celle Seminar I, Case 8: Psoriasis (F.P.): Not very much. (G. V.): Do you have any fears? (F.P.):
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George Vithoulkas (F.P.): I don’t know where to start. I think I don’t live out my natural character
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Celle Seminar I, Case 8: Psoriasis (G. V): What about your skin, is it a primary or secondary
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George Vithoulkas (F.P.): Yes. (G.V.): Does he have other friends? (F.P.): A few. (G.V.): Do you have other
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Celle Seminar I, Case 8: Psoriasis (F.P.): Yes, but only four hours a day in an office as
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George Vithoulkas up and go into the bathroom and come back. Sometimes I take drops for my circulation.