The International Academy of Classical Homeopathy is pleased to offer a free and convenient search engine for the website user to search for books, words or phrases from over two dozen books in English and other languages by Prof. George Vithoulkas.
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Celle Seminar I, Case 7: Fabry-Anderson Syndrome the morning, then eases down when I am up and out
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George Vithoulkas pecially when you consider the details. In the course of the interrogation I’m going to try,
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Celle Seminar I, Case 7: Fabry-Anderson Syndrome VIDEO (M.P.): …a lot of days, maybe even every day, I
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George Vithoulkas (G.V.); Do you feel comfortable with this situation? (M.R): Yes, it’s okay. (G.V.): Can you talk
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Celle Seminar I, Case 7: Fabry-Anderson Syndrome LIVE (G.V.): He tells me that his friends come to him
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George Vithoulkas nosed as having poliomyelitis, obviously with no residual symptoms. At forty-three, after a time of periodical
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George Vithoulkas (M.P.): Protestantism. I grew up with it, so I am used to it. The thing about
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Celle Seminar I, Case 7: Fabry-Anderson Syndrome perate: everything looks so desperate, so dark inside, that the only
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George Vithoulkas (M.P.): Yes. (G.V.): But religion is something that comforts you. (M.P.): It reassures me, makes me