The International Academy of Classical Homeopathy is pleased to offer a free and convenient search engine for the website user to search for books, words or phrases from over two dozen books in English and other languages by Prof. George Vithoulkas.
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Celle Seminar I, Introduction we can categorize these people as those with a knowledge of ho¬meopathy. Therefore, it
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George Vithoulkas apples. He has an aversion to fat and sometimes also to salt and slimy things. He
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Celle Seminar I, Case 4: Neurodermatitis/Neurotic Fear/Alopecia (M.P.): This pattern began after Carcinosinum. / used to be able
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George Vithoulkas (Therapist): He also developed computers programs. He told me that he has a special stereo system
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Celle Seminar I, Case 4: Neurodermatiris/Neurotic Fear/Alopecia (G. V.): Are you a religious person? (M.P.): I’m not a
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George Vithoulkas (M.P.): She’s very easily insulted, easily hurt personally, doesn’t like criticism. (G.V.): Do you often criticize
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Celle Seminar I, Case 4: Neurodermatitis/Neurotic Fear/Alopecia (M.P.): There’s no specific time I could point to and say,
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George Vithoulkas (G.V.): What did you feel when you went to the psychiatrist and he diagnosed you as
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Ceile Seminar I, Case 4: Neurodermatitis/Neurotk Fear/Alopecia (G. V.}: The headaches are worse from the heat? (M.P.): Well,