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Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1782
Rheumatic pain in shoulders, arms, tips of fingers, whole flesh sore to touch. Many pains in right shoulder,
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1783
hand, but increased on stepping. Intolerable pain in the heels as if they had been wounded by too
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1784
Feeling of heat in whole body, but mostly in face and hands. Increased warmth in whole body, especially
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1785
CLINICAL Antrum of Highmore, inflammation of. Cancer. Chest, affections of. Chorea. Constipation. Cough. Diarrhoea. Dyspepsia. Gall-stones. Gonorrhoea. Haemoptysis.
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1788
CHINA OFFICINALIS Cinchona officinalis or Cinchona calisaya. Peruvian bark. N.O. Rubiaceae. Tincture of the dried bark. THE ESSENTIAL
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1789
Nowadays we no longer see so many cases of weakness from continuous long-term loss of fluids, for severe
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1790
general weakness’, and in his footnote he says: ‘In this trait the peculiar weakness prominently consists which Cinchona
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1791
The extreme sensitivity to slight touch on the physical level is a noteworthy characteristic of China. Hahnemann remarks
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1792
nerves are always in a fret, so that these people will say, “Doctor, what is the matter with