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Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1727
hot and red cheeks, but it is even more typical if this symptom is one-sided: one cheek red
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out a more definite time of aggravation: about 9 p.m. Many Chamomilla pains and other symptoms, such as
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bending backward (opisthotonus). There are convulsive motions and twitching of the limbs, lips, facial muscles, tongue, eyes, and
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The congestion will often be caused by anger, vexation, etc. One-sided drawing headache is another manifestation of the
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Eyes ‘It is difficult to think of Chamomilla as an eye remedy, and yet it can be very
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and anger about trifles’ (Hahnemann). ‘Stitches from the tragus into the meatus’ (Hoppe); sometimes with a transient spasmodic
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Chamomilla). ‘Burning in cheeks, with flying chills.’ ‘Heat in head and face, burning in face and buzzing in
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swelling around some molars’ (Hoppe). Most frequently they are of a drawing or tearing character, and much aggravated
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external pressure just under the angle of the jaw causes pain in fauces. Sore throat with swelling of