Materia Medica

Viburnum opulus – Nash

Viburnum opulus

Is a remedy of undoubted value in painful womb troubles. It has been used for painful dysmenorrhea in different potencies to the 30th, and in tincture. It seems to be particularly efficacious in the neuralgic form of the disease. I have found that the symptom, PAIN BEGINNING IN THE BACK AND GOING AROUND TO LOINS AND TO UTERUS, ENDING IN CRAMPS THERE, is the most remarkable mdication. With this symptom present, I have seemingly checked an impending abortion, and in one case even after a slight flow of blood was present.


ACTEA RACEMOSA, CHAMOMILLA, CAULOPHYLLUM, MAGNESIA PHOS. and VIBURNUM are all excellent remedies in neuralgic dysmenorrhoea. In ACTCEA, the pains are in back, through hips and down the thighs. In CHAMOMILLA, they make the patient mad and she says she cannot bear them.


With CAULOPHYLLUM the pains are very intermittent and spasmodic, screams with the pains.


With MAGNESIA PHOS. hot applications to the hypogastrium ameliorate more or less.


Of course we have many other remedies for this painful affection, among which are PULSATILLA, COCCULUS, CUPRUM, CACTUS, BELLADONNA, PLATINA, etc.


For particular indications, we must refer to our Materia Medica.