Vertigo, with nausea, on closing the eyes, or the least noise.
Over-sensitiveness of nerves; scratching on linen or silk, or crackling of paper is unbearable.
Pain running through upper left chest to shoulder.
THERIDION CURASSAVICUM is another spider poison proven by Hering. There is one peculiar and characteristic symptom under this remedy, which has been verified by myself and others—”VERTIGO WITH NAUSEA ESPECIALLY ON CLOSING THE EYES.” Allen puts it—vertigo on closing the eyes (LACH, THUJA), on opening them, TABACUM;
on looking upward (PULS., SIL.); from any even least noise; aural or labyrinthine (Meniere’s disease); aural or labyrinthine (Meniere’s disease).
Again “every sound seems to penetrate through the whole body, causing nausea and vertigo.” ASARUM has a somewhat similar symptom which is worth remembering. “OVER-SENSITIVENESS OF NERVES, scratching of linen or silk, crackling of paper is unbearable.” (FERR., TARAX.)
The vertigo occurs in different affections of the head or stomach, and cures the whole trouble when it is present. It seems like a small thing to “GO by,” but no smaller than “vertigo, worse on lying down, and turning the head” (CONIUM), or “vertigo on looking upward” (SILICEA, PULSATILLA) and many other symptoms of other remedies which have been verified many times. Another symptom which seems to be very valuable in chest affections is, “PAINS RUN THROUGH UPPER LEFT CHEST TO SHOULDER.” (PHTHISIS FLORIDA has been cured on this symptom for a guide, if given early.) This is like MYRTUS COMMUNIS, with which I have helped many cases having that peculiar local symptom. (SULPHUR, PIX LIQUIDA and ANISUM STELLATUM also have it.)
Dr. Baruch says: “In rachitis, caries and necrosis it apparently goes to the root of the evil and destroys the cause”.