This spider poison has like other spider poisons very positive nervous symptoms. It acts upon the uterus and ovaries, and upon the female sexual organs generally. “In case of hyperesthesia or congestion of these organs, which set up a general hysterical condition, states simulating spinal neurasthenia, sensitive and painful back, excessive restlessness, and impressibility to excitements, music, especially, where there is constant inclination to keep the hands busy (KALI BROMATUM), and again especially if accompanied by sexual desire or pruritus of the genitals, TARANTULA is able to accomplish much.” Choreaic conditions, which are often the outcome of an advanced stage of the above described nervous condition, are peculiarly amenable to this remedy. Twitching or jerking of the muscles in conjunction with other troubles should always call to mind this remedy, with which such jerkings are so characteristic. It has a restlessness in women similar to the restlessness in men of PHOSPHORUS, viz., cannot keep quiet in any position; must keep in motion, though walking < all the symptoms. This remedy is not yet as thoroughly understood as it should be. Another spider ought to be mentioned in this connection, viz., the