Materia Medica

Kali muriaticum – Nash

Kali muriaticum

Is one of the so-called “Bio-chemic” remedies, or one of the twelve tissue remedies, claimed by Schuessler to be able to cure all the ills that flesh is heir to. It has not been proven enough to know half its real value. Clinical use in the potencies, ranging from the 3d to the 30th, has proven that it is a remedy of undoubted great value. It is of use in the second stage of inflammations or the stage of interstitial exudation in any part of the body, and here it is not, so far as yet known, attended with the danger of KALI HYDROIODICUM. If it had been used in the massive doses of the latter remedy, we might have had more deleterious results than we now know of. I have seen enlarged joints after acute rheumatism rapidly reduced to normal size under its action, sometimes after they had resisted other remedies a long time; but I do not know of any characteristic symptoms for its use in preference to other remedies. It is also a remedy for tonsillitis after the acute inflammatory symptoms have been checked by ACONITE, BELLADONNA, or FERRUM PHOS. I have found it very efficacious in deafness from inflammation and closure of the Eustachian tube. I began using it in the 3d or 6th, but have better success with the 24th potency. A great many cases of chronic incurable deafness might have been cured by this remedy if used early. MERCURIUS DULCIS may be mentioned in this connection, as it was not when we wrote of the MERCURIES, as another remedy for these Eustachian troubles. Of course you would be apt to have some other mercurial symptoms which would perhaps enable you to choose between the two remedies. KALI MUR. is likely to come into use more from a clinical introduction than from provings. That is what Hering used to call a remedy born by breech presentation. It is possible, but not right or natural.