This remedy is sometimes successful in cases which are not relieved by CANTHARIS. There is as much inclination to urinate as with CANTHARIS, and there is pain in the bladder, as if too full of urine, which must be voided in order to get relief from both pain and pressure, but urinating does not satisfy and he must soon go again. There is BURNING in the urethra when urinating, but there are larger quantities of urine discharged than with CANTHARIS, which has CHARACTERISTICALLY very small amounts, but often repeated, even but a few drops at a time. EQUISETUM, like CHIMAPHILA, sometimes shows excess of mucus, and it is also very useful in enuresis. Both CHIMAPHILA and EQUISETUM need further proving to draw out their characteristic. EQUISETUM sometimes has severe pain at the close of urination. (See BERBERIS, NATRUM MUR., SARSAPARILLA, THUJA.).