SPASM is the one word characterizing this remedy. Cramps or convulsions, in meningitis, cholera, cholera morbus, whooping cough, scarlatina, etc.
Spasms begin in fingers and toes and spreading from there become general.
Mental or bodily exhaustion from over-exertion of mind or loss of sleep.
Affections arising from suppressed skin troubles, especially from acute exanthemata.
The grand central characteristic symptom is expressed in one word—spasms. If in brain affections, congestions, meningitis or apoplexy CUPRUM is to do any good, spasm will be present in some degree, at least, from a simple twitching of the fingers and toes to general convulsions. If in cardialgia, there is violent SPASMODIC griping and pressure, followed by vomiting. In cholera, cholera morbus, or cholera infantum the cramping pains are sometimes TERRIBLE. Dunham said: “In CAMPHOR collapse is most prominent; in VERATRUM ALBUM, the evacuation and vomiting; in CUPRUM, the CRAMPS.” In whooping cough “CHILDREN GET STIFF, BREATHING CEASES, SPASMODIC TWITCHINGS; AFTER A WHILE CONSCIOUSNESS RETURNS, they vomit and recover but slowly;” or the child coughs itself into a complete “cataleptic spasm with each paroxysm of cough.” In all kinds of repercussed exanthematic spasms, CUPRUM is the first remedy to be thought of (see comparison with ZINCUM).
These spasms may also be found in dysmenorrhoea, in child bed, or in after pains. Then, aside from any and all kinds of local affections, CUPRUM may be found indicated in epilepsia, chorea, and other purely nervous spasmodic affections of a general nature. There is one thing peculiar in the spasms of CUPRUM that I have often observed, and it is a strong indication for the remedy, viz.: The spasm begins by twitching in the FINGERS AND TOES, and, spreading from there, becomes general.
There is another symptom which Farrington thought very valuable, viz.: “MENTAL AND BODILY EXHAUSTION from overexertion of mind, or loss of sleep.” This is similar to COCCULUS and NUX VOMICA. The other symptoms must decide between them. I have always used the metal instead of the acetate, because I used the potencies, and it acted promptly.