Materia Medica

Calendula – Kent


The proving of Calendula is so nearly worthless that we cannot expect at present to use it as a guide to the internal administration of the remedy. There are only a few things that I have ever been able to get out of it. In injuries Calendula cannot be ignored, in cuts with laceration, surface or open injuries. Dilute Calendula used locally will keep the wound odorless, will reduce the amount of pus, and favor granulation in the very best possible manner, and thus it assists the surgeon in healing up surface wounds. Calendula is all the dressing you will need for open wounds and severe lacerations. It takes away the local pain and suffering. You may easily see we are not now dealing with a condition that exists because of a state within the economy, but because of something that is without. There is nothing that will cause these external injuries to heal so beautifully as the Marigold. Some will say it is not homoeopathic, but these are the individuals who “strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.” If there are constitutional symptoms suspend all medicated dressing entirely and pay your whole attention to the constitutional symptoms. Sometimes there are no constitutional symptoms to prescribe on, but when they are present resort locally to cleanliness and nothing else. Do not supress symptoms that you will need to guide you to a remedy.