Materia Medica

Glonoinum – Farrington


Glonoin is nitro-glycerine. It is a very easy drug to study. Its main point of attack is the blood. It does not, however, affect the quality of the fluid so much as it does its circulation. The keynote to the whole symptomatology of the drug is expressed in this one sentence : “A TENDENCY TO SUDDEN AND VIOLENT IRREGULARITIES OF THE CIRCULATION.” With that for our foundation we can easily work out the other symptoms. Glonoin is a drug which acts very quickly and very violently. The symptoms which are traceable to the irregularities in the circulation are these: Very characteristic, indeed, is a throbbing headache. The pain may be in the whole head, or it may be in the forehead, vertex, occiput or any one part of the head. This throbbing is not a mere sensation; it is an actual fact. It really seems that the bloodvessels would burst, so violent is the action of the drug. The throbbing is synchronous with every impulse of the heart. The blood seems to surge in one great current up the spine and into the head. The bloodvessels externally become distended. The external jugulars look like two tortuous cords, the carotids throb violently and are hard, tense and unyielding to pressure. The face is deep red. This throbbing is either associated with dull distressing aching or with sharp violent pains.

We find Glonoin applicable to sunstroke, indicated either by the symptoms already mentioned, or by symptoms which show that the prolonged congestion has produced depressing effects upon the brain. The face becomes rather pale, the pulse, which was at first full, soft and feeble, and respiration labored. There is not so very much pressure about the chest as about the medulla oblongata, thus interfering with the nerves of respiration. The eyes are often fixed. The patient may even be unconscious. Glonoin, then, we find to be our best remedy for the effects of heat, whether the trouble arises from the direct rays of the sun, from hot weather or from working in the intense heat of a furnace, as in the case of foundrymen and machinists. These effects of the sun or heat are not confined to the head alone, but may involve the whole body. Thus we note oppression of breathing, with palpitation of the heart and nausea and vomiting, the tongue being white. This nausea is not gastric in origin, but cerebral, as under RHUS TOX., BELLADONNA and APOMORPHINE. The appetite is gone; there is no desire for food; there is a horrible sunken feeiing in the epigastrium, and often, too, diarrhoea. All these symptoms may and do call for Glonoin.

Still other effects of this congestion are found in the eye. The eyes feel as if too large and protrude as though bursting out of the head. Glonoin is indicated in eye diseases arising from exposure to very bright light, as in the case of one obliged to work at a desk beneath a hot bright light, as a bright Argand burner. If you should examine such an eye with the ophthalmoscope, you will find the bloodvessels of the retina distended or, in extreme cases, apoplexy of the retina.

Still other effects of the increased blood pressure under Glonoin may be noticed in the symptoms of the mouth. For instance, there is difficulty in conversation from diminished power of the tongue, this being the result of pressure on the brain. Wine aggravates all these symptoms.

Another effect of the cerebral congestion is convulsions. Glonoin is an admirable remedy for the convulsions coming on during labor, puerperal convulsions. The face is bright red and puffed, the pulse full and hard and the urine albuminous. The patient froths at the mouth ; she is unconscious. The hands are clenched, the thumbs being in the palms of the hands. At other times, the hands are stretched out as under SECALE, and the patient is unconscious. I think that Glonoin is one of the best remedies we have for the congestive form of puerperal convulsions, that form which is announced by rush of blood to the head, especially if there is albuminuria. It is also invaluable in congestion to the head from suppressed menses.

The mental symptoms traceable to this congestion are syncope or sudden fainting, the face being pale or often livid, black spots before the eyes, sudden onset of unconsciousness, well-known streets seem strange to the patient. This last symptom is one decidedly dangerous. Suppose a person who is subject to apoplectic congestion, is suddenly seized in the streets with one of these attacks and does not know where he is, then Glonoin is the remedy for him.

Another remedy is PETROLEUM.

Sometimes the congestion is so great as to make the patient frantic. He tries to escape, to jump out of the window. Glonoin is also useful for the bad effects from fear. I mentioned that briefly when speaking of OPIUM. There is horrible apprehension and also sometimes the fear of being poisoned. This last symptom places it alongside of HYOSCYAMUS, RHUS TOX., BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM, and BAPTISIA.

Another use of Glonoin is its application to trauma. It has been found an excellent remedy for pains and other abnormal sensations, following late after local injuries. Long after the reception of an injury the part pains or feels sore, or an old scar breaks out again ; then Glonoin seems to relieve.

It is necessary for you to remember the distinctions between Belladonna and. Glonoin, because they meet in the congestions and inflammations of the brain with children and old persons. They divide the honors in these diseases, because each has a number of confirmed cures. We have the CRI ENCEPHALIQUE in Glonoin which is not so marked under Belladonna, so it would seem that Glonoin would suit a worse case than would Belladonna. The symptoms which would help you are these: First, Glonoin; the head symptoms are worse by bending the head backwards; worse in damp weather; worse from the application of cold water, even causing spasms; better from uncovering; better in the open air; sometimes the patient is obliged to get up and walk about despite the soreness that jarring causes. A. very marked symptom which anticipates puerperal convulsions and which is an early symptom in congestion of the brain from suppressed menses and a prominent symptom in the bad effects of the heat of the sun, is a feeling as if the head was enormously large. The head seems as if it was expanding. Although that symptom is found under Belladonna, it is not so characteristic of that drug as of Glonoin.

Now Belladonna has relief from bending backwards, from sitting up with the head quiet. Belladonna usually has relief from covering the head, while Glonoin has relief from uncovering, although the latter symptom is of less importance than the others.

The best antidote to Glonoin that I know of, is ACONITE.