Materia Medica

Nitricum acidum – Dunham

Nitricum acidum

Hahnemann says Nitric acid is especially indicated for those disposed to diarrhoea. It is most especially effective after Kali carbonicum.


Most of the symptoms are relieved after driving in a wagon ; but slight movement, especially after eating, excites heat, sweat and palpitation. It produces great tendency to take cold, and it excites pains in the back and all the limbs.


As regards the skin, the sweat-pores are black, and papules are frequent. It disposes to ulcers, and those already existing bleed readily when touched or bound up; and are the seat of sticking and burning pains, as if from nettles. Itching of the skin is a common symptom, and, after scratching, large blotches appear. Warts itch.


Ulcers and caries, resulting from the abuse of Mercury, are relieved by Nitric acid, especially if there be erethism.


A characteristic symptom is the sensation of great weakness, sometimes felt early in the morning, as lassitude in the joints and limbs; sometimes in the afternoon, as weariness, even to trembling, throughout the body. As a consequence, day-sleepiness, even early, soon after getting up.


SLEEP at night is disturbed ; sometimes by frequent waking, sometimes by turning and tossing, sometimes by frightful dreams, and especially often by thirst and necessity to pass water. Abdominal uneasiness and nightmare.


FEVER. Coldness, not only at night but also by day; coldness of the skin of the entire body, the chill chiefly at evening and on getting into bed; and mostly in the back.


HEAT. Fugitive, and in frequent flashes by day; sometimes only in the hands or the cheeks, without thirst. Often a continued sensation of heat in the body without thirst; can endure but little covering. At night this heat is often intolerable, partial or general, without sweat and with thirst.


Fever mixed up.


Sometimes sweat at night, general or partial, and often only on the parts on which one lies.


Disposition peevish, ill-humored at every trifle, even at himself, especially in the morning early.


Often anxious about his own illness; constantly thinking about past troubles.


The mind is weakened; the thoughts wander, especially on weighty subjects.


VERTIGO. Not only when stooping, and compelling to lie down, but also occurring in the evening after lying down, and when rising at night or early in the morning.


HEAD. Nothing specially characteristic about pains, or their locality. It should be noted, however, that the pains generally are aggravated by succussion, as by riding in a wagon or by stepping hard. Externally the head is sensitive, as if contused, either all over or in certain spots, as, for example, on the spots pressed when lying, or by pressure of the cap or hat (verified in practice).


FACE. Tearing and cramp-like pressure in the cheeks and malar-bone, increased by touch and at night.


EYES. General. Exterior. Dull and sunken, hard to open, A.M. Yellow and sickly hue of the surrounding skin. The conjunctiva is reddened, with an aching as though sand were in the eyes, or as if one had been looking at the sun ; lachrymation, with burning and biting, much increased by reading ; stitching pains, which come from the head into the eye and ear. Nebulosities of the cornea have been observed ; and Nitric acid has been found very serviceable in ophthalmia from suddenly suppressed syphilitic affections.


EARS. Glandular swelling behind and below the ear, from which stitching pains extend into the ear; stitching pain in the internal ear and in the maxillary articulation.


NOSE. Discharge of offensive, yellow mucus, and frequent epistaxis.


CHIN. Pimples with a red areola, leaving a hard lump after suppuration. Swelling of the infra-maxillary glands.


GUMS. Swollen; teeth yellow. Throbbing and sticking toothache, worse at night.


TONGUE. Vesicles upon the tongue and sublingual glands; burn when touched.


Soreness of the tongue, palate and gums; and ulcerated spots on the cheeks. Great dryness of the mouth. Offensive breath, as if putrid.


Scraped sensation in the throat.


Aching when swallowing food, with sensation of swelling deep in the throat. Soreness of the uvula. Sticking in the tonsils, and deep in the swollen throat, and in the root of the tongue ; worse in the evening.


Digestion is retarded and modified, as is shown by sour eructation and rising of half-digested food. Sour and bitter taste. Nausea and vomiting along with headache; most symptoms occur after eating and at night, and are attended by profuse sweat. Much flatus. Aching in the region of the liver and kidney; and at the same time a jaundiced hue. Sticking and griping in the abdomen.


Inguinal glands swollen, but often not painful.


RECTUM. Soreness and chafed sensation after stool; a moist soreness at the anus and between the nates. Burning and itching. Sticking pain in the rectum, chiefly when coughing and at stool. Aching or long pressing toward the rectum and anus; stool not hard, but difficult. Haemorrhoids protrude and at every stool bleed.


STOOL. Diarrhoeic; offensive and with much tenesmus. Constipation, says Hahnemann, rarer.


Tenesmus of the bladder. Urine offensive, scanty, sometimes acid, sometimes alkaline. Color dark brown ; soon becomes turbid ; white or clear red deposit, sometimes granular. Burning and soreness after urinating.


The sexual instinct is increased. Male urethra painful to pressure; orifice swollen and red; discharge of bloody or thick yellow mucus.


Much itching of the prepuce and glands. Swelling and drawing in the testes. Vesicles and ulcer on the inner surface of the prepuce and on the glands, as before described; also the warts.


MENSES too soon, with backache and great weakness, with bearing-down pains.


Leucorrhoea of a stringy mucus of a cherry-brown color and offensive. Ulcers in the vagina.


Sneezing, dry nasal catarrh, or alternately; hoarseness, headache and cough. Throat has catarrhal inflammation. Roughness, etc.


Cough, with headache. Aching in the loins, and soreness in the thorax; sputa dark, bloody. Soreness and constriction of the chest.


The back and loins ache with the least cold. Stiffness of the nape.


Aching and sticking in the extremities.



Itching, burning eruption between the fingers.


Cramp in the calves and soles of the feet at night and toward morning on stretching out the feet; painful to the touch.