The symptoms of Carbo animalis are, however, in the main identical with those of Carbo vegetabilis.
In those of the eye long-sightedness is noted instead of myopia.
In the face, a copper-colored, dry eruption, and papules.
Swelling of the glands in the neck, axillae, inguina, and mammae, which are painful.
Teeth very loose; cannot chew the softest food, Vesicles in the mouth, forming ulcers.
The carbons require trituration to develop their power.
(Authorities in materia medica have been accustomed to regard substances which are nearly or quite identical in chemical composition as so likely to be substantially identical in pathogenetic or therapeutic action that they might be used interchangeably, or one substituted for another as convenience or cheapness might dictate. This notion is somewhat like that which ascribes similar or identical properties to plants of the same natural families. There is a certain basis of truth at the foundation of the dogma, but the exceptions are so numerous and so trenchant that we dare not in any single case act upon it in practice. When we come to a minute analysis of pathogenetic action, we find that even substances so nearly identical as the two carbons, the vegetable and the animal, present important differences, and may not be used with indifference the one for the other. Instances illustrating this fact are found in the Ranunculus and other families among plants, and notably in the carbonaceous group of remedies, which includes Sepia, Murex, Graphites, Carbo veg. and Carbo an. It will be an interesting exercise for the student to trace the resemblances and the differences.)