Materia Medica

Salvia officinalis – Boericke

Salvia officinalis

Controls excessive sweating when circulation is enfeebled; of less use in phthisis WITH NIGHT-SWEATS and suffocating tickling cough. Galactorrhoea. Exerts a tonic influence on the skin.




Tickling cough, especially in consumption.




Soft, relaxed, with enfeebled circulation and cold extremities. COLLIQUATIVE PERSPIRATION.




Compare: CHRYSANTHEMUM LEUCANTHEMUM– Ox-eye Daisy. Has specific action on sudoriparous glands. Quiets nervous system like CYPRIPEDIUM. Right sided tearing pain in bones of jaw and temple. Pain in teeth and gums, worse touch, better warmth. Irritable and tearful. Here use 12x. INSOMNIA AND NIGHT-SWEATS. For colliquative sweating and hyperesthesia of nervous system. Material doses of tincture.) PHELLAND.; TUBERC; SALVIA SCLERATA (tonic influence on nervous system; dose, teaspoonful to one pint hot water, as inhalent for sponging). RUBIA LINCTORUM-Madder-A remedy for the spleen. (CEANOTHUS.) Chlorosis and amenorrhoea; tuberculosis. Anaemia; undernourished conditions; splenic anaemia. Dose, 10 drops of tincture).




Tincture, in twenty-drop doses, in a little water. The effects manifest themselves quickly two hours after taking a dose, and they persist for from two to six days.