Materia Medica

Myrtus communis – Boericke

Myrtus communis

The leaves contain Myrtol, an active antiseptic. Chest pains, as found often in consumptives, call for this remedy. Incipient phthisis. Nerve sedative and stimulant to mucous membranes, bronchitis, cystitis and pyelitis.


Stitching pain IN LEFT BREAST, RUNNING THROUGH TO SHOULDER-BLADE. (ILLIC.; THERID.; PIX.) Dry, hollow cough, with tickling in chest. Worse in the morning. Sensation of burning in left chest.




Compare: MYRTUS CHEKAN (Chronic bronchitis with dense, yellowish sputum, difficult to detach. Copious expectoration keeps patient distressed and coughing).




Third potency.