Materia Medica

Juniperus communis – Boericke

Juniperus communis

(Juniper Berries)
Catarrhal inflammation of kidneys. Dropsy, with suppression of urine. Old persons, with poor digestion and scanty secretion of urine. Chronic pyelitis.



Strangury; bloody, scanty urine, violet odor. (TEREB.) Weight in kidney region. Prostatic discharge. Renal hyperemia. (EUCALYPTOL.)



Cough with scanty, loaded urine.



Compare: SABINA; JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANUS– Red Cedar-(Violent tenesmus vesical. Persistent dragging in back; hyperemia of the kidneys; pyelitis and cystitis; dropsy of the aged with suppressed urine. Dysuria, burning, cutting pain in urethra when urinating. Constant urging-apoplexy, convulsions, strangury, uterine haemorrhage).TEREBINTHINA.



Best form is the infusion. One ounce to a pint of boiling water. Dose, one-half to two ounces, or tincture, one to ten drops.