(Blue Cohosh)
This is a woman’s remedy. Want of tonicity of the womb. During labor, when the pains we deficient and the patient is exhausted and fretful. Besides, it has a special affinity for the smaller joints. THRUSH, locally and internally.
CARDIALGUX, SPASMS OF STOMACH. Dyspepsia with spasmodic symptoms.
Extraordinary rigidity of os. (BELL.; GELS.; VER. V.) Spasmodic and severe pains, which fly in all directions; shivering, without progress: false pains. Revives labor pains and furthers progress of labor. After pains. Leucorrhoea, with moth-spots on forehead. Habitual abortion from uterine debility. (HELON.; PULS.; SAB.) Needle-like pains in cervix. Dysmenorrhoea, with pains flying to other parts of body. Lochia protracted; great atony. Menses and leucorrhoea profuse.
Discoloration of skin in women with menstrual and uterine disorder.
Severe drawing, erratic pain and stiffness in small joints, fingers, toes, ankles, etc. Aching in wrists. Cutting pains on closing hands. Erratic pains, changing place every few minutes.
Incompatible: COFFEA.
Compare: VIOL. ODOR, (rheumatic carpal and metacarpal joints); CIMICIF.; SEPIA; PUKAT.; GELS.
Tincture to third attenuation.