Materia Medica

Secale cornutum – Allen

Secale cornutum



Adapted to women of THIN, SCRAWNY, FEEBLE, CACHECTIC APPEARANCE; irritable, nervous temperament; pale, sunken countenance.

Very old, decrepit, feeble persons.


Women of very lax muscular fibre; EVERYTHING SEEMS LOOSE AND OPEN; NO ACTION; VESSELS FLABBY; passive haemorrhages, copious flow of thin, black, watery blood; the corpuscles are destroyed.


Haemorrhagic diathesis; the slightest wound causes bleeding for weeks (Lach., Phos.) ; discharge of sanious liquid blood with a strong tendency to putrescence; tingling in the limbs and great debility, especially when the weakness is not caused by previous loss of fluids.


Leucorrhoea; green, brown, offensive.


Boils: SMALL, PAINFUL WITH GREEN CONTENTS, mature very slowly and heal in the same manner; very debilitating.


Face: pale, pinched, ashy, sunken, hippocratic; drawn, with sunken eyes; blue rings around eyes.


Unnatural, ravenous appetite; even with exhausting diarrhoea; craves acids, lemonade.


Diarrhoea: profuse, watery, putrid, brown; discharged with great force (Gamb., Crot.) ; very exhausting; painless, involuntary; anus wide open (Apis, Phos.).


Enuresis: of old people; urine pale, watery, or bloody; urine suppressed.


Burning; in all parts of the body, as if sparks of fire were falling on the patient (Ars.).


Gangrene; dry, senile, < from external heat.


Large ecchymoses; blood blisters; often commencement of gangrene.


Collapse in cholera diseases; skin cold, yet cannot bear to be covered (Camph.).


The skin feels cold to the touch, yet the patient cannot tolerate covering; icy coldness of extremities.


Menses: irregular; copious, dark fluid; with pressing, labor-like pains in abdomen; continuous discharge of watery blood until next period.


Threatened abortion especially at third month (Sab.) ; prolonged, bearing down, forcing pains.


During labor: pains irregular; too weak; feeble or ceasing; everything seems LOOSE AND OPEN BUT NO EXPULSIVE ACTION; fainting.


After pains: too long; too painful; hour-glass contraction.


Suppression of milk; in thin, scrawny, exhausted women; the breasts do not properly fill.


Pulse small, rapid, contracted and often intermittent.




Compare: Cinnamon in post-partum haemorrhage; it increases labor-pains, controls profuse or dangerous flooding, is always safe, while Ergot is always dangerous.


Similar: to, Arsenicum, but cold and heat are opposite.


Resembles Colchicum in cholera morbus.





HEAT; WARMTH FROM COVERING, of all affected parts; in all diseases WORSE FROM HEAT.





In the cold air; getting cold uncovering affected parts; rubbing.