Adapted to diseases of scrofulous children, which affect the air passages especially.
Persons formerly robust and fleshy, suddenly become emaciated (Iod., Tub.).
Bad effects of violent mental emotions; anxiety, grief, or excessive sexual indulgence (Phos. ac, Kali p.).
(Edematous swelling in various parts of the body, especially in legs, instep and feet.
Dry coryza of infants (sniffles); nose dry and completely obstructed, preventing breathing and nursing (Am. c, Nux).
Dyspnoea: child awakens suddenly nearly suffocated, face livid, blue, sits up in bed; turns blue, gasps for breath, which it finally gets; attack passes off but is again repeated; child inspires but cannot expire (Chlorine, Meph.) ; sleeps into the attack (Lach.).
Compare: Arum drac. in Miller’s asthma.
Attacks of suffocation as in last stage of croup.
Cough: suffocative, with crying children; worse about midnight; hollow, deep whooping, with spasm of chest; with regular inhalations but sighing exhalations.
Cough deep, dry, precedes the fever paroxysm.
Fever: DRY HEAT WHILE HE SLEEPS; ON FALLING ASLEEP; after lying down; without thirst, DREADS UNCOVERING (must be covered in every stage, Nux).
PROFUSE SWEAT OVER ENTIRE BODY during waking hours; on going to sleep, dry heat returns (sweats as soon as he closes his eyes to sleep, Cinch., Con.).
Compare: Cinch., Chlor., Ipec, Meph., Sulph.
Relieves ailments from abuse of Arsenicum.
During rest; after eating fruit.
Sitting up in bed. Motion; most of the pains occur during rest and disappear during motion (Rhus).
Follows well: after Opium in bad effects of fright