Is often restorative of a wasted and worn-out system; a fair picture of “nervous prostration” (Kali p.).
Progressive, pernicious, anaemia; NEURASTHENIA.
BRAIN FAG: of literary or business people; slightest excitement, mental exertion or overwork brings on headache, and causes burning along the spine (Kali p.).
Headache: of students, teachers and overworked business men; from grief or depressing emotions; IN OCCIPITAL-CERVICAL REGION (Nat. m. Sil.); < or brought on by slightest motion or MENTAL EXERTION.
Priapism, with spinal disease; erections violent, long-lasting; profuse seminal emissions; satyriasis (Canth., Phos.).
Small boils in any part of body, but not especially in external auditory canal.
BURNING ALONG SPINE and great weakness of spine and back; softening of cord (Phos., Zinc).
Weariness, progressing from a slight feeling of fatigue on motion to complete paralysis.
TIRED HEAVY FEELING all over body, especially of limbs, < on exertion.
Compare: Arg. n., Gels., Kali p., Phos. ac, Phos., Petr., Sil.
From cold air and cold water.
Least MENTAL EXERTION; motion; study; wet weather.