Especially suited to thin persons of rigid fibre, dark complexions, black hair and eyes—the brunette rather than the blonde—nervous temperament.
Persons suffering with chronic diseases who take cold easily; are easily disposed to diarrhoea; rarely to those who suffer with constipation.
Old people with great weakness and diarrhoea.
Excessive PHYSICAL irritability.
Pains: sticking, pricking as from splinters; suddenly appearing and disappearing; on change of temperature or weather; during sleep; gnawing here and there as from ulcers forming.
Sensation: of a band around head, around the bones (Carb. ac, Sulph.); OF A SPLINTER in affected parts, ulcers, piles, throat, ingrowing toe nail < on slightest contact.
Ailments: which depend on some virulent poison; from mercury, syphilis, scrofula; in broken-down cachectic constitutions.
After continued loss of sleep, long-lasting anxiety, over-exertion of mind and body from nursing the sick (Coc); anguish from the loss of his dearest friend; indifference; tired of life; sadness before menses.
Great anxiety about his disease; constantly thinking about his past troubles; morbid fear of cholera (Ars.); depressed and anxious in the evening.
Irritable, headstrong; hateful and vindictive; inveterate, ill-willed, unmoved by apologies.
Hardness of hearing > by riding in carriage or train (Graph.).
Very sensitive to rattle of wagons over paved streets; headache from pressure of hat (Cal. p., Carbo, Nat.).
Ozaena: green casts from the nose every morning.
Diarrhoea: great straining but little passes, as if faeces remained and cannot be expelled (Alum.); pain as if rectum or anus were torn or fissured (Nat. m.) ; violent cutting pains AFTER STOOL, lasting for hours (Rat., Sulph. — during and after, Mer.).
Fissures in rectum;, tearing, spasmodic pains during stools; lancinating, even after soft stools (Alumen, Nat, Rat).
Urine: SCANTY, DARK-BROWN, strong-smelling, “like horse’s urine”; COLD WHEN IT PASSES; turbid, looks like remains of a cider barrel.
Ulcers: easily bleeding: in corners of mouth (Nat.; Graph.) SPLINTER-LIKE PAINS, especially on contact (Hep.); zig- zag, irregular edges; base looks like raw flesh; exuberant granulations; after mercury or syphilis or both, engrafted on a scrofulous base.
Discharges: thin, offensive, acrid; of a brown or dirty yellowish green color; rarely laudable pus.
Haemorrhage: from bowels in typhoid or typhus (Crot, Mur. ac); after miscarriage or post-partum; from overexertion of body; bright, profuse, or dark.
Cracking: in ears, on masticating; of the joints, on motion (Coc, Graph.).
Warts, condylomata: sycotic or syphilitic; large, jagged, pedunculated; bleeding readily on washing; moist, oozing; sticking pain (Staph., Thuja).
Affects especially the mucous outlets of the body where skin and mucous membrane join; mouth, nose, rectum, anus, urethra, vagina (Mur. ac).
Complementary: Ars. and Calad.
Inimical: to, Lachesis.
Resembles: Ars. in morbid fear of cholera.
Often difficult to distinguish from Mer.; but is adapted to black-haired people, while Mer. is more useful in light-haired persons.
Relieves ailments resulting from abuse of mercury, especially if there be erethism; bad effects of repeated doses of Digitalis.
Follows well: Calc, Hep., Mer., Nat. c, Puls, or Thuja; but is most effective after Kali c.
Evening and at night; after midnight; contact; change of temperature or weather; during sweat; on walking; while walking.
While riding in a carriage (reverse of Coc).