Materia Medica

Iodum – Allen




Persons of a scrofulous diathesis, with dark or black hair and eyes; a low cachectic condition, WITH PROFOUND DEBILITY AND great emaciation (Abrot.).


Great weakness and loss of breath on going upstairs (Calc.); during the menses (Alum., Carbo an., Coc).


Ravenous hunger; eats freely and well, yet loses flesh all the time (Abrot., Nat. m., Sank., Tub.).


Empty eructations from morning to night, as if every particle of food was turned into air (Kali a).


SUFFERS FROM hunger, must eat every few hours, anxious and worried if he does not eat (Cina, Sulph.) ; FEELS > WHILE EATING OR AFTER EATING, when stomach is full.


Itching: low down in the lungs behind the sternum, causing cough; extends through bronchi to nasal cavity (Coc. c, Con., Phos.).


Hypertrophy and induration of glandular tissue— thyroid, mammae, ovaries, testes, uterus, prostate or other glands—breasts may dwindle and become flabby.


HARD GOITRE, in dark-haired persons (light-haired, Brom.); feels > after eating.


Palpitation, worse from least exertion (compare Dig. —from least mental exertion, Cal. ars.).


Sensation as if the heart was squeezed together; as if grasped with an iron hand (Cac, Sulph.).


Leucorrhoea: arid, corrosive, staining and corroding the linen; most abundant at times of menses.


Cancerous degeneration of the cervix; cutting pains in abdomen and haemorrhage at every stool.


Constipation, with ineffectual urging > by drinking cold milk.


Croup: membranous, hoarse, dry cough, worse in warm, wet weather; with wheezing and sawing respiration (Spong.).


Child grasps the larynx (Cepa) ; face pale and cold, especially in fleshy children.




Complementary: to, Lycopodium.


Compare: Acet. ac, Brom., Con., Kali bi., Spong. in membranous croup and croupy affections; especially in overgrown boys with scrofulous diathesis.


Follows well: after, Hep., Mer.; is followed by Kali bi. in croup. Acts best in goitre when given after full moon, or when the moon is waning


Should not be given during lying-in period, except in high potencies





Warmth; wrapping up the head (reverse of, Hep., Psor.).