For women: with PROLAPSUS FROM ATONY, enervated by indolence and luxury; WORN OUT WITH HARD WORK, MENTAL OR PHYSICAL; overtaxed muscles burn and ache; so tired cannot sleep.
Always better when occupied, when not thinking of the ailment (Cal. p., Oxal. ac).
Restless, must be continually moving about.
Irritable, fault finding; cannot endure least contradiction or receive least suggestion (Anac).
Profound melancholy; deep, mental depression.
Diabetes: first stages; urine profuse, clear, saccharine ; lips dry, stick together; great thirst; restlessness; emaciation; irritable and melancholy.
Albuminuria: acute or chronic; during pregnancy, with great weakness, languor, drowsiness; unusually tired, yet knows no reason.
Menses: too early, too profuse, from uterine atony in women enfeebled by loss of blood; when patients lose more blood than is made in intermenstrual period; breasts swollen, nipples painful and tender (Con., Lac a). Flow passive, dark, clotted, offensive.
Sensation of soreness and heaviness in pelvis (Lappa); A CONSCIOUSNESS OF A WOMB, feels it move when she moves, IT IS SO SORE AND TENDER (Lys.).
For the bad effects of abortions and miscarriages.
Compare: Aletris, Fer., Lil., Phos. ac.
Similar: to, Alet. in debility from prolapsus, protracted illness, defective nutrition.