Materia Medica

Glonoinum – Allen



Nervous temperament: plethoric, florid, sensitive women; persons readily affected.


Bad effects of mental excitement, fright, fear, mechanical injuries and their later consequences; from having the hair cut (Acon., Bell.).


Head troubles: from working under gas-light, when heat falls on head; can not bear heat about the head, heat of stove or WALKING IN THE SUN (Lach, Nat. c).


Cerebral congestion, or alternate congestion of the head and heart.


Head: feels enormously large; as if skull were too small for brain; sunstroke and sun headache; increases and decreases every day with the sun (Kal., Nat. a).


Terrific shock in the head, synchronous with the pulse. Throbbing, pulsating headache; holds head with both hands; could not lie down, “the pillow would beat.”


Brain feels TOO LARGE, FULL, BURSTING; blood seems to be pumped upwards; THROBS AT EVERY JAR, STEP, PULSE.


Intense congestion of brain from delayed or suppressed menses; headache in place of menses.


Headache: occurring after profuse uterine haemorrhage; RUSH OF BLOOD TO HEAD, in pregnant women.


Violent palpitation, with throbbing in carotids; heart’s action labored, oppressed; blood seems to rush to heart, and rapidly to head.


Convulsions of children from cerebral congestion; meningitis, during dentition, cases that seem to call for Belladonna.


Children get sick in the evening when sitting before an open coal fire, or falling asleep there.


Flushes of heat; at the climacteric (Amyl., Bell., Lach.) ; with the catamenia (Fer., Sang.).



Compare: Amyl., Bell., Ferr., Gels., Melil., Stram.




In the sun, exposure to sun’s rays; gas-light; overheating; jar; stooping; ascending; touch of hat; having the hair cut.