Is Indicated in strumous, debilitated hemorrhagic, broken-down constitutions; during zymotic diseases; in inebriates; tendency to carbuncles or blood boils (Anthr.).
Diseases caused by a previous low state of the system; low septic typhoid or malarial fever; chronic alcoholism; exhausted vital force; genuine collapse.
Apoplexy: apoplectic convulsions in inebriates, hemorrhagic or broken down constitutions.
Haemorrhagic diathesis; blood flows from eyes, ears, nose, and every orifice of the body; BLOODY SWEAT.
Yellow color of conjunctiva; clears up vision after keratitis, or kerato-iritis.
Malignant jaundice; haematic rather than hepatic.
Purpura hsemorrhagica; comes on suddenly from all orifices, skin, nails, gums.
Tongue fiery red, smooth and polished (Pyr.) ; intensely swollen.
Malignant diphtheria or scarlatina; oedema or gangrene of fauces or tonsils; pain < from empty swallowing; if vomiting or diarrhoea come on.
PROSTRATION OF VITAL FORCE; pulse scarcely felt; blood-poisoning (Pyr.).
Vomiting: bilious, with anxiety and weak pulse; every month after menstruation; cannot lie on r. side or back without instantly producing dark, green vomiting; black or coffee grounds, of yellow fever.
Diarrhoea; stools black, thin, like coffee-grounds; offensive; from noxious effluvia or septic, matters in food or drinks; from “high game” (Pyr.); during yellow fever, cholera, typhoid, typhus.
Intestinal haemorrhage when occurring in typical septic or zymotic disease; blood dark, fluid, non-coagulable.
Dissecting wounds; insect stings; bad effects of vaccination.
Vicarious menstruation; in debilitated constitutions (Dig., Phos.).
Menopause; intense flushings and drenching perspirations; faintness and sinking at stomach; prolonged metrorrhagia, dark, fluid, offensive; profound anaemia.
Malignant diseases of uterus, great tendency to haemorrhage, blood dark, fluid, offensive.
Compare: Elaps, Lach., Naja, Pyr.
In Lach. skin cold and clammy; Crot. cold and dry; Elaps, affections of r. lung, expectoration of black blood.