Materia Medica

Baptisia tinctoria – Allen

Baptisia tinctoria



For the lymphatic, temperament.


Great prostration, with disposition to decomposition of fluids (Pyr.); ulceration of mucous membranes.


All exhalations and discharges FOETID, especially in typhoid or other acute disease; breath, stool, urine, perspiration, ulcers (Psor., Pyr.).


Aversion to mental exertion; indisposed, or want of power to think.


Perfect indifference, don’t care to do anything, inability to fix the mind on work.


Stupor; falls asleep while being spoken to or in the midst of his answer (when spoken to, answers correctly, but delirium returns at once, Arn.).


Tongue: at first coated white with red papillae; dry and yellow-brown in centre; later dry, cracked, ulcerated.


Face flushed, dusky, dark-red, with a stupid, besotted drunken expression (GELS.).


CAN SWALLOW LIQUIDS ONLY (Bar. c.) ; least solid food gags (can swallow liquids only, but has aversion to them, Sil).


PAINLESS SORE THROAT; TONSILS, soft palate and parotids dark red, swollen; putrid, offensive discharge (Diph.).


Dysentery of old people; diarrhoea of children, especially when very offensive (Carbo v., Pod., Psor.).


Cannot go to sleep because she cannot get herself together; head or body feels scattered about the bed, tosses about to get the pieces together; thought she was three persons, could not keep them covered (Petr.).


In whatever position the patient lies, the parts rested upon feel sore and bruised (Pyr. — compare, Arn., Pyr.).


Decubitus in typhoid (Arn., Mm ac, Pyr.).





Similar: to, Arn., Ars., Bry., Gels., in the early stages of fever with malaise, nervousness, flushed face, drowsiness, and muscular soreness.


When Ars. has been improperly given or too often repeated in typhoid or typhus.


After Baptisia: Crot, Ham., Nit. ac. and Tereb. act well in haemorrhage of typhoid and typhus.