Excretions diminished, especially urine and sweat.
Dropsy of serous membranes; acute, inflammatory. Dropsy: ZVITH THIRST (Acet. ac), water disagrees or is vomited (Ars.) ; most cases uncomplicated with organic diseases; after typhus, typhoid, scarlatina, cirrhosis; after abuse of quinine.
Acute hydrocephalus, with open sutures; stupor, sight of one eye lost; constant and voluntary motion of one arm and one leg (left arm and leg, Bry.) ; forehead projected.
Amenorrhoea in young girls, with bloating or dropsical extension of abdomen and extremities.
Metrorrhagia: continued or paroxysmal flow; fluid or clotted; nausea, vomiting, palpitation; pulse quick, feeble, when moved; vital depression, fainting, when raising head from pillow.
Cough, short and dry, or deep and loose, during pregnancy (Con.).
Similar: to, Acetic acid, Apis (no thirst), Ars., Cinch., Dig., in dropsical affections.
Blatta orientalis has cured bad cases of general dropsy, after Apis, Apoc. and Dig. failed. — Haynes.