Especially adapted to those who are fat and sluggish ; OR BODY LARGE AND FAT, BUT LEGS TOO THIN.
Watery, acrid coryza, corroding the lip (All. c).
During menses: DIARRHOEA AND VOMITING, BLOODY DISCHARGE FROM THE BOWELS (Phos.) ; neuralgic pains in the feet; flow more profuse at night (Bov. — on lying down, Kreos.),
Obstinate constipation accompanied by much flatus.
Hard, crumbling stools require great effort in expulsion; crumble from the verge of anus (Mag. m.) ; vary in color, no two stools alike ( Puls.).
Haemorrhoids: sore and smarting; with burning and stinging in the rectum for hours after stool (Aesc., Sulph.); especially after suppressed leucorrhoea.
Leucorrhoea: like white of egg, preceded by griping pain about the navel; brown, slimy, painless, AFTER EVERY URINATION.
Sensation of coldness in the back, between scapulae (Lachn.).
Hamstrings feel painfully short when walking; tension in joints as from shortening of the muscles (Caust., Cimex.).
Offensive sweat of the feet (Alum., Graph., Psor., Sanic, Sil.).
Followed: by, Ant. c, Phos., Puls., Sanic.