Especially for children during dentition in hot summer weather; children who cannot bear milk.
Great weakness: children cannot stand; unable to hold up the head (Abrot.) ; prostration with sleepiness.
Idiocy in children: incapacity TO think; confused.
An expression of great anxiety and pain, with a drawn condition and well-marked linea nasalia.
Features expressive of pain and anxiety.
Herpetic eruption on end of the nose.
COMPLETE ABSENCE OF THIRST (Apis, Puls. — rev. of Ars.).
Intolerance of milk: CANNOT BEAR MILK IN ANY FORM; it is vomited in large curds as soon as taken; then weakness causes drowsiness (compare, Mag. a).
Indigestion of teething children; VIOLENT, SUDDEN VOMITING of a frothy, milk-white substance; or yellow fluid, FOLLOWED BY CURDLED MILK AND CHEESY MATTER.
Regurgitation of food an hour or so after eating; copious greenish vomiting.
Epileptic spasms, with CLENCHED THUMBS, red face, eyes turned downwards, pupils fixed and dilated; foam at the mouth, jaws locked; pulse small, hard, quick.
Weakness and prostration with sleepiness; after vomiting, after stool, after spasm.
Similar: to, Ant. c, Ars., Cal., Sanic.
After eating or drinking; after vomiting; after stool; after spasm.