Materia Medica



Dr. Pachegaonkar Umakant, a Diploma Holder of IACH, got interviewed by one of local Marathi (a local vernacular language) YouTube channel.

In this interview, he emphasised upon the need of a homoeopathic physician being properly trained through an E-learning course such as our IACH (17.09 – 17.54)

Also, he proudly mentioned about our academy, the regular seminars that happen over there every year, the physicians that attend it (both from the conventional system of medicine as well as the homoeopaths) and our dear Prof Vithoulkas. (24.43 – 26.00 and 31.52 – 32.42)

He also mentioned how our Homoeopathic science scored over the conventional one in a case of Rheumatoid arthritis, which was dependent on immunosuppressive drugs. It led to successful recovery in 7 months through Nitric acid in LM potency, so much so that the Rheumatologist herself, declared her to be free of that disease, of course, oblivious of the homoeopathic treatment that helped the patient in less than 7 months (26.28 – 31.42)

This interview became very viral in our Maharashtra state of India 🇮🇳