
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 68

And therefore you have to communicate with that person, you have to ask more and more questions, you have to go and make him talk from the heart. The problem in our society is that even in an acute Argentum nitricum case enough is withheld inside to not present such a clear picture as the woman I just described to you. So the picture that you will get in the western population in which we live will be a withheld picture.

Is there any teacher who will express the way the panic attack occurs in Aconite, as I did before? You see, I am Greek and I can do it. But if a Swiss is teaching – forget about him imitating, making all this effort! (audience laughs)

Here you are more withheld. But with words alone you cannot communicate that which has to come from the heart. You see, in order to understand we need the reaction of the organism, which comes from the heart. You see, the mind controls everything.

We can sit there and we can explain (demonstrates patient sitting and speaking in a controlled manner)

“Well, you know, I have panic attacks.”

“What kind of panic attacks do you have?”

“Well, you know, …”

There are remedies that, never mind how much we investigate, will remain closed. And when you see this holding back, this intemalisation of the whole fear, without the power of the organism to express, then there are other remedies you may need, which we will be talking about.

But Argentum nitricum is passionate. We say “impulsiv­eness”. Impulsive.