
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 61

the midst of adults and do not know how to protect or defend

themselves. A tremendous anxiety neurosis may develop out of this

state, especially if the person is pushed by his family or society to

go out and act.

This state can be accompanied by the inability to retain food, or

to   even   swallow   solid   food.   You   can   also   see

Anxiety on tremendous inexplicable fear, constant weeping and           leavinq the

the desire to be protected and stay at home. If they             house

leave the  house and  go out into the open,  they  immediately

develop anxiety.

The anxiety may also occur at night in bed, they become restless and want to uncover. The anxiety can revolve around business, domestic affairs, relatives and friends and is usually sudden in its appearance. It is a negative attitude towards life, denying the natural evolution that is normal for human beings, and all without any serious reason.

It is noteworthy that in the life of such persons there is usually no adequate stress to account for their pathology. Everything seems to be going smoothly and unobstructed and the patient herself will confirm it. Yet this tremendous anxiety will arise.

If you investigate the case properly, you will find that the reason for this anxiety is not a prominent single grievous event in their life, but rather a continuous feeling of inadequacy that pervades their existence. Then, all of a sudden, with minimal stress, it erupts into an annoying pathology. The nature of our remedies is such, that different kinds of stresses produce different symptomatology.

For instance, Aconite is very sensitive to a sudden fright that is momentarily life endangering, while Natrium   muriaticum