G.V.: Baryta carbonica people can be very insecure. If a case of Baryta is a constitutional case, it will have a general type of insecurity. But after a certain point, because of some stress, this insecurity becomes great, and then the person says:
“I can’t go to my work anymore. I don’t have the trust, the confidence to do my work.”
So he stops going to work. A doctor for example may stop prescribing, stop treating people.
In such anxiety states these people are afraid of everything. Of being alone, of the dark, of ghosts, of flying by airplane, of going out of the house, of going crazy, of staying in the house alone, about the future, etc. They can make the life of the persons they live with miserable, but due to their “mild characters” they still are easily tolerated by others. All these fears as such seem to have no ground. They rather are the side effect of their insecurity and immaturity.
If you do not perceive the general attitude of the patient, the
insecurity and immaturity behind all these fears
Lack of self-
confidence is and anxieties, for example the fear of crossing a
the basis of the bridge, fear from noise in the street, fear of
strangers, fear while walking, … you will be inclined to
giveCalcarea carbonica .
But the fears of Calcarea are really strong and bothersome,
whereas the fears of Baryta carbonica do
Anxieties don’t not seem so deep or so substantial.
go very deep
The world with its complications and society’s complex demands scare these Baryta patients to death. They don’t want to go out there and fight. They really feel like children in