Remarks concerning Anthrax:
Anthrax is caused by the bacterium “Bacillus anthracis”, which can transform into highly resistant spores. These spores can last in nature for decades and develop into active bacteria in the body. Its poison is fatal.
Observations of diseased animals show, that the disease causes the spleen to enlarge and look like it was burnt. The disease occurs mainly in animals, rarely also in humans working with livestock or processing meat or other animal products.
Infection usually occurs through infected animals. Contagiation between humans is rarely known.
Anthrax of the skin Pulmonary Anthrax Gastrointestinal Anthrax Sepsis due to Anthrax
The symptoms – fever, dyspnoea, coughing, headaches, nausea, shivering, pains in abdomen and chest – resemble symptoms of numerous other diseases.
Different organs can be affected: mainly the skin or the lungs (especially people working with animal hair), and other areas like the gastro-intestinal tract. Skin-infections usually start through a small injury. At first the disease becomes visible through a painless, itching area, which then develops a vesicle. From this a blackish ulcer may develop (Pustula maligna), which can heal spontaneously.