
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 37

Every month such symptoms will be given out, free of charge, and you can find out about them and collect them. But you cannot print them in a book!

That means (laughs), don’t collect them and immediately print them in a book and start selling the book. Because I have made this experience again and again and again. I give out information, and the next day I see a book printed, not even containing my name, without mentioning where the information came from. And I look at it and say: “…but this is my book!”.

I remember 1983 in Washington D.C., there was a big congress, and suddenly someone approached me and said: “Do you want to buy an interesting book?” I said: “What’s it called?” He says: “The Stolen Essences.” (participants laugh)

I said: “Let me see!” I look, and I see whatever I had taught Bill Gray, who had been in Athens. It was all there!

I said: “How much is this?” He says: “This is 30 Dollars.” In 1983, 30 Dollars! For a copy of about 90 pages of stolen essences. Without my name, and for 30 Dollars. I said: “Yes, I am interested.” I paid to take back a copy of my notes, which had been stolen by somebody! That was what Bill Gray told me at the time. He said, somebody had broken into his room and stolen them, and after that had made copies. It was found out that the copies were circulating all over the world.

Later on I went to England, in 1984/85, and there I saw the same book, but with a different title. Something like “Homeopathy given by fairytales, gnomes and by spooks” (laughter in the audience). I look at the book, and what do I see? It’s the same book!