
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 36

When the grief is so deep and held back and has cut off the sexual urge, which is so important for survival, it means it is a very deep grief.

And then Natrium muriaticum was given of course – no effect.

Ignatia was given – no effect. What brought about the change? Anthracinum!

It is amazing how this remedy withholds emotional expression while at the same time it stores the hurt emotions in an encysted wound, a malignant abscess.

After the remedy has been prescribed, it is interesting to see in such cases how the enclosed emotions, which remained unexpressed and subconsciously painful for years, are poured out as tears with such intensity that one is reminded of a malignant tumour which suddenly opens and pours forth an endless discharge.

What I said before: students will tell me: “Oh, but Anthracinum is not found in ‘ailments from grief! “It’s not in the repertory.”

Yes, we don’t have it in the repertory, but we have it in real life, in real homeopathy. So it makes no difference!

And, by the way, I can tell you something which I have decided to do. You can contact our website through It has a section called “Exciting Information”. What is this section about? This section contains new symptoms, that come from our real cases, recorded on video, which are not contained in the Materia Medica or in the repertory.