
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 27

 (The video continues)

Homeopath: “And she felt lots of downward vaginal pressure and the feeling of contractions when she was walking around. And that has persisted pretty much until today. One hour after she took the remedy she went to sit out in the park, and she said she had more peaceful concentration than in days. Through this she realized something hadn’t been right. She said she hadn’t realized that she had lost it until the sense of peace returned. 2 ½ hours after the remedy she was …”

(Vithoulkas interrupts the video)

That is another important point. Maybe you couldn’t understand it correctly. He says, a few hours after the remedy, while she was sitting on a bench, she felt peaceful. Something, she realized, she had lost. She had not been peaceful before. Now she is peaceful. This is again an indication, a hint that this remedy has gone deep and may bring about some changes.

Why? Because he says the headache is back, the inflammation began to get worse, it is burning, but there is a peaceful feeling inside. Then we have a correct sequence of events.

If she had said: “I feel good psychologically”, it would mean nothing without the aggravation, without the correct sequence of events, which has to be amelioration from deeper to the more peripheral areas. Better psychologically, worse physically – that is good.