condition. This condition has a deeper underlying problem, as will become clear in the follow-up.
Another example you will also understand very well. Somebody has lost a loved one. He comes, is sighing (Vithoulkas sighs deeply twice). You see: sighing, grief, does not cry, wants to cry but cannot cry – what is your remedy?
(Participants answer. “Ignatia”)
Ignatia! I know, you still are afraid, (laughter among participants)
You will be afraid until the last minute. (Vithoulkas laughs) You see, when you have a picture of a remedy, you don’t need to be afraid. This is the picture of the remedy, this is the remedy. Ignatia is the remedy. So you give Ignatia. Let us say, the whole class has this problem. Ignatia will be indicated in most of the cases.
Okay. Is this correct or not? Of course it’s correct. You have to give it, the effect is there, and it is absolutely correct.
Now: after the Ignatia-layer is gone, you have to deal with the underlying problem. Pulsatilla took the headache away, left this and left that, and Natrium muriaticum was given and several other remedies as well. All the remedies acted very well, good homeopathic treatment…
But basically the idea is that the homeopath is confused. He is confused, because on one hand he correctly treated the acute, on the other hand he did not touch the underlying chronic condition. But homeopathy can do much more.