
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 21

Hepatitis, being pregnant etc. Is she doing very well concerning the Hepatitis, or was the treatment suppressing, or whatever?

Can anybody evaluate that piece of information? (no answer from the class)

You see, we have to be very clear with this piece of information. What happened? She had the Hepatitis, she was ill, she took Lycopodium or Chelidonium or whatever, and the Hepatitis of course was better and she also was much better.

Looking at this case now: is your assessment that the treatment of the Hepatitis was correct or wrong? You see, you must be able to answer such questions clearly. Without understanding the whole theory, you will not be able to answer such questions.

Do you want me to do some statistics?

Who says the treatment was correct? (few hands are raised)

Who says the treatment was wrong? (more hands are raised)

Okay, thank you.

You are wrong! The treatment was correct! The treatment of the Hepatitis was correct, not wrong. Why did you fall into that trap? Because you don’t understand the real theory of homeopathy. If it is not understood, this is what is going to happen. Hardly anybody thought that the treatment was correct.

Of course I cannot explain everything, but anyhow, I’ll give you an idea: everyone, every patient has some chronic condition which requires one, two or three remedies in a particular sequence. Let us say you are treating this patient and you don’t give these three remedies in correct sequence.

Now this patient gets an acute Bronchitis. You give a remedy, Bryonia , and treat the Bronchitis.