
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 176

Some even stay awake at night weeping. That is why we say

Anxious desire for       that Stramonium is one of the main remedies

company. Panic in      that will have a panic attack once they enter

tunnel due to fear        a tunnel. For them a tunnel symbolizes darkness
of dark and being

enclosed                      and being closed in.

It   belongs   to   the   main   remedies   for  the

treatment of claustrophobia. Claustrophobia with a certain kind of

violence, meaning: “I cannot tolerate it. I need to Claustrophobia

with violence             react And the reaction is violent. Stramonium

                                  people will  attack anyone of whom they think he is enclosing them, suppressing them. And who suppresses? The mother. The mother! They feel that their mother is their enemy. I remember a case, where the son was trying to kill his mother with a knife. The mother was trying to escape, but the child was running after her, around the house and was trying to get her.

It is interesting to find out that panic states in Stramonium can also arise from the death of a person, a close person. A person towards whom Stramonium feels guilty. They have guilty fee­lings towards this person.

For example the death of the mother. Before, they attacked the
Panic attacks are            mother, hit her, done all this violence against

caused by death of           her, and then the mother dies. After her

a close person                 death there is a supernatural phenomenon

towards whom he

feels quilty                      within the Stramoniums. Something metaphysical happens. They can’t find peace, not for one moment.