G.V.: This is an interesting remedy, and I want to give you the general make-up, through which you will understand where the panics come from. This is a remedy that harbours a lot of aggression, a lot of violence in the subconscious mind. This is the dark side, something they themselves are afraid of. If it comes out, it will be uncontrollable.
Sometimes there is a connection between the subconscious
fears and the subconscious violence. You have to fight the fear.
You have to fight the dog. You are afraid. For Fear and delusion
them the dog is a symbol of something that of being attacked
can devour you. Stramonium has a striking by dogs
delusion of being attacked by dogs, a fear of dogs that might
And whatever reminds them of darkness and closedness is a
stimulus for a reaction in Stramonium.
The darkness seems to bring up the darkness Fear of dark,
need light to sleep
inside them. And they are lost in that
darkness. “If I wake up in the middle of the night and I have no light, I don’t know where I am.” You see, immediately the fear overwhelms them and they think they are lost. Because in darkness, you don’t know where to go, right? In total darkness you are lost.
This is the feeling of Stramonium in the darkness. Darkness as a symbolic idea. Darkness comes from the subconscious; it terrifies the person and can throw him or her into a state of panic. You discover that he has been urgently insisting that the light be left on at night, and anxiously desiring company at all times.